Danheim - Runar

🧧 Lyrics are from SigerdrivamĂ„l (Norwegian: SigrdrĂ­fumĂĄl) or Brynhildarljóð which is a heroic poem from The Older Edda; it is the first of the poems in the cycle about Sigurd FĂ„vnesbane. 🧧 RUNAR - The modern combination of Old Norse elements rĂșn (rĂșn - “secret, secret knowledge; rune, magic sign“) -arr (protoscand. * -HarjaR - “warrior, warrior“, or * -warjaR - “guardian, protector“). 🧧 The video from “Asgard’s Wrath“ VR Oculus Game 2019. Full Walkthrough Gameplay 👉 #Danheim #Runar #Asgard
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