My son and I built the Quick Canoe 150, designed by Michael Storer. I am sharing some of my challenges and my thoughts on what I might do different if I wanted to build a second Quick Canoe.
In the video, I think I said 2 ounce mesh, you should order 4 ounce at 2“ wide. Thanks
Referrals for material and research.
Plans for the Quick Canoe 155
epoxy and hardener, very slow hardener.
Fillet material
Colloidal Silica
=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=west epoxy colloidal silica&qid=1611075619&sr=8-1
Fiberglass cloth, order 4 ounce for the corners and 2 ounce of the bottom if you want that extra protection.
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