1702 - Sai Kirtan Vol - 12 | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
#srisathyasai #saibaba #bhajans #music #spiritual #devotional #prasanthibhajangroup #ABhajanADay #SriSathyaSaiBhajans #Bhajans
00:00 - Jaya Sri Ganesha Vighnanasha Gajanana
04:58 - Sri Guru Parthivasa
08:10 - Mata Bhavani Jagadambe Ma
12:30 - Daya Karo Sai Narayana
17:05 - Allah Sai Maula Sai
20:26 - Sankata Harana Sri Sai Ramana
24:39 - Govinda Govinda Gaayiye Re Bhajo Radhe Gopala Krishna Gaayiye
28:50 - Jai Jai Hanuman Jaya Hanuman
32:11 - Sathya Narayana Govinda Madhava Sai Narayana Govinda Keshava
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