SHOW and TELL 5/26/2021 #ShowandTell

SHOW and TELL 5/26/2021 #ShowandTell ------------------------------------------------------------- Shawn (Digi-Key) @1:00 - Pico sd card MicroPython Tim @6:34 - Designio on web hooks & CircuitPython Scott @8:53 - Feather NRF5240 on glider app, BLE workflow Noe & Pedro @11:12 - USB adapter shell Jeff @12:45 - ISS space station location on RGB matrix using ESP32S2 John Park @14:18 -neo trinkey 2-note music player Liz @16:00 - Arduino Nano onboard LED counter using CircuitPython Matt @17:05 - 12 vault lamp robot Bill @19:16 - EanSail switches
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