Omega Sand Reclamation, Resin Sand Reclamation Process Shakeout Deck Attrition Mill Combination Unit

Whatsapp/Wechat: 8618765972210 Resin Sand Reclamation is the physical, chemical, or thermal treatment of used foundry casting sands so that they can safely and effectively be re-used for molding and coremaking applications. A mechanical sand reclamation system uses motion energy to physically break down chunks of spent casting sand into a clean, usable, grain size sand. Shakeout Deck / Attrition Mill Combination Unit The Shakeout Deck / Attrition Mill Combination Unit is an advanced piece of equipment that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of sand reclamation in foundries. By integrating the separation and cleaning processes, it reduces operational costs, saves space, and improves the quality of reclaimed sand, contributing to more sustainable and cost-effective casting operations. Combining a shakeout deck with an attrition mill into a single unit enhances efficiency by streamlining the sand reclamation process. The combination unit allows for a continuous flow of sand from
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