This cut is from January 14, 2022, just a few weeks prior to the beginning of the SMO

Ukrainian politician and former presidential candidate Yevgeniy Muraev, who, at that point, was the leader of the now banned “Nashi” (Ours) party, talks about the danger Ukraine is facing having allowed itself to be drawn into a geopolitical conflict, in which its role is to be battleground with Ukrainians as cannon fodder. There is an interesting viewer poll shown in the video. A snapshot of the poll depicts that 91% of viewers who called in voted that Putin and Biden won’t invite Zelensky to a joint meeting because they had already figured everything out without him. ...What is it that Ukraine is fighting for again? “Freedom and democracy” or something to that effect?… Yet, even before the SMO started, 91% of viewers of this show had thought their destiny had already been decided by two presidents of other nations?… The CSTO block mentioned in the video is the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which is a military alliance in Eurasia consisting of five post-Soviet states: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan, formed in 2002.
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