CHINCHILLA - Little Girl Gone (Official Music Video)
FROM ME TO YOU: I released this song / video entirely independently and funded it all myself. This video was made with so much love from all the people involved. I don’t have a huge budget or label behind me and really rely on word of mouth to get this song out there - so please like / share / follow / subscribe - SPAM people with it!! And most importantly, watch, dance, and scream it at the top of your lungs. Love and appreciate you all more than you know. LETS GO.
Stream/Download ’Little Girl Gone’ here:
TIKTOK: @chinchilla_music?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
Artist: Chinchilla @chinchilla_music
Song: Little Girl Gone
Concept: Chinchilla @chinchilla_music/ Joe Wood @itsjoewood
Director & Producer: Joe Wood @itsjoewood
DOP: Tom Solt @tomsolt
1st AC / Focus Puller: Yared Stephenson @shotby_sankaa
Gaffer: Duane Jay @duanejayonset
Spark: Owen Rumsey @owenrumsey
Choreographer: Dale K @dalekcreative
Stunt Co Ordinator & Fight Choreographer: Greg Burridge @gregburridge
Assistant Producer: Jess Rodrigues @jepstarodrigues
Set: Iyce Kariuki @iycestagram Erin Williams @erinwilli4ms
Runner: Adam Smyth @adam5myth
MUA: Danielle Wetherell @daniellebilliemakeup
BTS Photographer: Aza @azazelc
Edit: Joe Wood @itsjoewood
Grade: Sebastian Ziabka @sebastian_colour
Sound FX: Chinchilla @chinchilla_music
Dancer #1: Mollie Stebbing @molliestebbing
Dancer #2: Jack Whitehead @jackwhiteheadd_
Baddie: Greg Burridge @gregburridge
Baddies Goon #1: Nathen Blade @nathenblade
Baddies Goon #2: Neil Winstanley @illusionisto_pw
Barmaid #1: Jade Jones @jadeyaofficial
Barmaid #2: Erin Williams @erinwilli4ms
Clothes Designer: Christiana Hadjipapa @
Venue: The Birkbeck Tavern @thebirkbecktavern2022
#CHINCHILLA #LittleGirlGone
So I heard you’re back in town
And haven’t changed a bit, man
You get off talking down to the little man
Time you get what you deserve
Wow, you’re so fucking stupid
Been a while since my head was this polluted
Lucky I know my own worth
So you wanna fight me, are you big enough?
Kick the back of my knee, are you serious?
You keep on trying but
I like your blood on my teeth just a little too much
So bite me, slap me round the face
Now I’m twisting your arm ’till I hear it break
I get stronger everyday, yeah
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster
Run little girl, run little girl, bang ha
Say that again, I didn’t quite hear you
Messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era
I been at work and I got my badge of honour
Honey I’ve changed so much since I last saw you
Hands off my hair, how very dare you
Ding ding, hold my earrings for my debut
Cos I pack a punch backed into a corner
Come at me, don’t tell me I didn’t warn ya
Did you think I’d be easy?
Snap me like bamboo?
Mould me into the soul of your jackboot?
Wish I could bottle the taste
Cos I’d drink up that look on your face
So you wanna fight me, are you big enough?
Kick the back of my knee, are you serious?
You keep on trying but
I like your blood on my teeth just a little too much
So bite me, slap me round the face
Now I’m twisting your arm ’till I hear it break
I get stronger everyday, yeah
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster
Run little girl, run little girl, bang ha
Say that again, I didn’t quite hear you
Messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era
I been at work and I got my badge of honour
Honey I’ve changed so much since I last saw you
Hands off my hair, how very dare you
Ding ding, hold my earrings for my debut
Cos I pack a punch backed into a corner
Come at me, don’t tell me I didn’t warn ya
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster
Run little girl, run little girl, bang ha
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster
Run little girl, run little girl, faster
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster
Honey I changed so much since I last saw you
Hands off my hair, how very dare you
Ding ding, hold my earrings for my debut
Cos I pack a punch backed into a corner
Come at me, don’t tell me I didn’t warn ya
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