#Di_Vito Курс режиссеров СПбГИК Students-directors of the Institute of Culture of St. Petersburg MUSIC: “Onion Capers“ Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License “Royal Coupling“ Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Sincere tears, bashful blush and smiles ... На этот раз - рассказ об однокурсниках. Любовь и ненависть - возможно ли такое сочетание? Да! Они устали друг от друга, но больше не могут жить друг без друга. Фантастические ребята. Искренние слезы, стыдливый румянец и улыбки... This time - a story about fellow students. Love and hate - is it possible for this to coexist. Yes! They are tired of each other, but they can no longer live without each other. Fantastic guys! No translation needed. Look at these young and happy faces of future actors and directors who are passionate about their profession.
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