Max Cooper — Exotic Contents (Official video by Xander Steenbrugge)
0:00 “The world is everything that is the case“
0:16 “Any one can either be the case or not be the case, and everything else remain the same“
0:29 “I am my world“
0:41 “According to Wittgenstein: The limits of my language mean the limits of my world“
0:52 Tractatus quotes
1:00 “The picture is a model of reality“
1:26 “Objects form the substance of the world.“
1:42 Tractatus quotes
1:56 “The picture is a model of reality“
2:10 “A name is a primitive sign“
2:23 “What can be shown cannot be said“
2:38 “There is indeed the inexpressible. This shows itself; it is the mystical“
3:19 Tractatus quotes
5:15 “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent“
5:20 “The world is everything, I am my world“