The Netflix Series “My Daemon“ is an all-new anime born from a collaboration between writer Hirotaka Adachi (Otsuichi) and a spirited animation studio in Thailand. In Earth’s near future, a kindhearted boy named Kento and a Daemon child called Anna set out on a grand adventure together in hopes of saving Kento’s mother.
Original story/script: Hirotaka Adachi (Otsuichi)
Director: Nat Yoswatananont
Animation Production: Igloo Studio
Cast (and roles): Miyuri Shimabukuro (Kento Tachibana), Cocoro Kikuchi (Anna), Fumiko Orikasa (Kaoru Tachibana), Ayane Sakura (Kaede), Shou Okumura (Igisu), Wataru Hatano (Kouya Kokonoe), Naoya Miyase (Kiriko Nanbu/Restoration Daemon), Jouji Nakata (Genjiro Houjou)
The Netflix Series “My Daemon“ starts streaming worldwide from November 23, 2023, only on Netflix!
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My Daemon | Official Trailer | Netflix Anime
To save his mother, a kind-hearted boy and his tiny daemon friend set out on a journey across post-apocalyptic Japan as dark forces close in.