FORNDOM - Och med vinden ack de gunga (Official Music Video 2022)
With the tenth anniversary of Forndom looming, we proudly present the music video for the new single ’Och med vinden ack de gunga’. Produced and directed by Claudio Marino of Atrax Film.
Available on relevant digital music services as of February 25:
IG ► @claudiomarino
Producer: ARTAX FILM
IG ► @artaxfilm
Lyrics: (English translation below)
Jag vet ack ett tempel stå,
och dit många svear gå.
Där man håller gudars akt,
och bekräftar deras prakt.
Ack där följes fordom sed,
på den vackra forna hed.
Där det växa träd och flora,
och där hänga gåvor stora.
Bakom blotets kalla hud,
står i templet trenne gud.
När man deras stoder rör,
hoppas man att dessa hör.
Blodet rinner ständigt där,
och av kroppar träden klär,
och med vinden ack de gunga,
när till asar alla sjunga:
Hell Oden!
Hell Thor!
Hell Frö!
I know where a temple stands,
to which the swēones flock.
Here the gods are lauded,
and their sanctity is upheld.
Here reigns the creed of old,
across the imposing moor.
Here grows trees and flora,
and bountiful offerings hang.
Behind the cold skin of the blot,
the temple houses threefold gods.
One places a hand on the carved icons,
hoping to hear them speak.
Here the blood always flows
and dead men adorn the trees,
dangling in the wind,
when to the Æsir they all sing:
Hail Odin!
Hail Thor!
Hail Frey!
Leading up to the 2016 album “Dauðra dura”, Ludvig Swärd intended for his droning and mesmerising masterpiece “Jag vet ett tempel stå“ to have vocals. Ultimately, he decided against the idea and left it instrumental. However, over the years he found himself feeling not quite done with this song.
Last year, with Forndom’s ninth anniversary looming, Ludvig decided to record “Jag vet ett tempel stå“ as it was originally envisioned. Now, it bears mentioning that this is no mere remake of an old track with added vocals. The new version is just as wistfully hypnotic, but it has far more depth and organic feel thanks to analogue instruments where there were initially only keyboards.
Ludvig commented:
Nine years have passed since the idea of Forndom was born. Nine years was also the amount of time in-between the sacrificial feasts in Uppsala, where nine individuals of nine different species were sacrificed. The number nine signifies transition – passing from one stage to another – and is a frequent occurrence in everything we know of as Norse religion.
Over the years, both this number and the concept of sacrifice have been recurring topics in my lyrics. In the “Dauðra dura” booklet, I included the lyrics I wrote but never recorded for the song “Jag vet ett tempel stå“ – adding that there might come a day in the future when it would be recorded anew with vocals. That day has now come to pass, and I’m glad to announce that “Och med vinden ack de gunga” will be released on February 25. The song is accompanied by a music video directed by Claudio Marino of Atrax Film.
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