Paintology Video Guide - The shade brush (pencil drawing)

=== Transcript ==== Day one - pencil drawing with Paintology. In this video we are going to show you how to use the shade brush. This brush is the basis of most of our pencil drawings in this category. Once you get good at using the brush, you can use it to make a variety of drawings just like the real pencil and paper. From the home screen, select the draw button and go to the blank canvas. You can also get to it by clicking on the pencil icon on the top right. From the menu on the top, let’s select the brush tool. If you are not already on the shade brush too, simply click on the More Brushes to access all the brushes. From the brush dialog, let’s set the brush size to about 50% and keep hardness to 100% Also, if you are not on the grayscale mode, simply select this on the brush dialog. This switches the color palette from color to grayscale. Let’s keep the selection of the gray tone to half way as shown. If we make a stroke once, then go over
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