Medagogy case 2: 65-year-old man with hematuria

What is your differential diagnosis for a 65-year-old male with asymptomatic hematuria? Join us as we walk through this case, working down the following common causes: 1 - confirm hematuria (and not mimickers like beeturia or free myoglobin / hemoglobin) 2 - nephrolithiasis 3 - UTI 4 - trauma / vigorous exericse 5 - glomerular bleeding 6 - malignancy 7 - everything else Don’t forget that in women there are additional considerations for menses and pregnancy which can impact your diagnostic steps. Try a case yourself for free at #clinicalreasoning #clinicalcases #clinicalcase #medicaleducation #meded #internalmedicine #clinicalrotations #hematuria
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