Sasaki Takahirō 佐々木孝浩: Introduction to Premodern Japanese Books for Art Historical Research, Day 1
Full Title: Sasaki Takahirō 佐々木孝浩, Keiō Institute of Oriental Classics, Keiō University: Introduction to Premodern Japanese Books for Art Historical Research and Japanese Studies, Day 1.
Day 1 of seminar held in Japanese on 15th March 2021.
Topics covered:
日本の書物史の概説Overview of the History of the Book in Japan
日本の書物の装訂(基本の装訂)Main Types of Book Binding
日本の書物の改装Book Format Conversion
日本の印刷の歴史(寺院版と五山版)History of Printing in Japan (Temple Prints and Gozan-ban)
写本と版本の関係The Relationship between Manuscripts and Prints
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