My full-length Red Bull X-Alps 2023 adventure!

1223 km in 7 days through the Alps. For some athletes it is an event every two years. For me this third participation in 15 years was unique and unforgettable. I was flying good and being in podium position most of the race was not something I expected but was the cherry on the cake and changed everything. The everyday borderline physical effort and suffering, the long and demanding flying days, the all-out team effort of 5 people for the same goals, You, the friends, fans and followers meeting us to cheer and support out there and online, the everyday magic moments through one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet, the persistent adrenaline rush and emotional rollercoaster…. Just a few points on a long list that make this event the most impactful competition in the paragliding world and being the only one reaching far beyond our little bubble. Many thanks to my dear friend @hannesarch for dreaming big back in 2003, to the organisation of redbullxalps and chiarahipfl - (without whom this movie would
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