Typhoon Hinnamonor with a speed of 600 km/h is rushing through South Korea! It’s hard to believe!
Typhoon Hinnamonor hit South Korea. He touched the city of Ulsan, located to the north of Busan - the second largest city in South Korea.
More than 300 flights have been canceled or delayed at 10 airports in South Korea. In some places, the railway connection was also stopped
In Japan, which was the first to suffer from the typhoon, hundreds of thousands of homes were left without electricity, but there were no major damage. 32 people were injured.
About eight million people in Japan were ordered to evacuate urgently because of the typhoon. Many preferred to leave for another prefecture rather than wait in centers for evacuees.
About five thousand houses in the very south of the Korean peninsula were left without electricity.
Rescue services of South Korea say that the force of the wind should decrease after the typhoon reaches the coast. However, the authorities warn about the possibility of mudslides in some areas.
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3 years ago 00:03:26 1
⚠️SHOCK⚠️Typhoon Hinnamonor⚠️The most powerful cyclone on Earth in 2022 tore apart Japan