7,500 foreign passport holders expected to be able to leave Gaza over next two weeks

이틀째 라파 국경 개방 “향후 2주간 7,500명 탈출“ 외교부 “韓일가족, 라파국경 통해 이집트로 입국“ Good evening. It’s 9 PM here in Seoul. Thank you for joining us on Arirang News. We start with the evacuation from Gaza. With the opening of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, injured Palestinians and those with foreign passports are escaping the enclave, including five Korean nationals who are confirmed to have entered Egypt. Hundreds left on the first day, and thousands more are expected to leave in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Israel continues its airstrikes on northern Gaza where there’s a refugee camp. Moon Hye-ryeon leads us off. Thousands more are expected to leave the besieged Gaza Strip over the coming weeks following the reopening of the Rafah crossing. Dozens of injured Palestinians crossed the border into Egypt on the first day of its opening on Wednesday, and over 320 foreign passport holders from the likes of Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States were also evacuated. South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that five South Korean nationals crossed the border into Egypt on Thursday morning local time. Patients who were unable to receive the necessary surgical treatment in Gaza, are being treated in hospitals across Egypt. Officials expect some 7-thousand-500 more foreign passport holders to leave Gaza over the next two weeks, and those that have already crossed over are due to catch flights back to their home countries from Cairo. It’s the first time that non-hostages were allowed out of Gaza since the war broke out three weeks ago, and ambulances and representatives from foreign embassies stood by the crossing to assist their nationals. The head of Gaza’s media office was reported to have urged Egyptian authorities to keep the crossing open to allow for all humanitarian needs and life supplies as well as fuel for hospitals and emergency services. This comes as the Hamas-run government in Gaza said at least 195 Palestinians were killed and 777 people were wounded in the strikes. The same strikes that Israel said had killed Hamas commanders in Gaza’s biggest refugee camp in Jabalia on Wednesday. The combined Israeli and Palestinian death toll has now surpassed 10-thousand, with children making up a third. Global leaders and high-ranking government officials are stepping in to minimize civilian casualties. Including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken who’s due to visit Israel on Friday to meet with Israel’s Prime Minister. The head of the Untied Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency was reported to have crossed into Gaza to meet with staff and described the current situation as “unprecedented“ with “unsanitary living conditions.“ Moon Hye-ryeon, Arirang News. #Israel #Gaza_Strip #Rafah #Evacuation #이스라엘 #하마스 #라파 #국경_개방 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2023-11-02, 21:00 (KST)
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