LUCY Camera Lucida Demo Video

The LUCY is a modern version of the classic camera lucida drawing tool that has been used by artists for centuries. Great Masters from Michelangelo Caravaggio and Jan Vermeer to Jean Ingres were said to have used camera lucidas and similar devices to help create some of their masterpieces. When you look through the view hole it uses optical mirrors to reflect a transparent “ghost“ image of the scene in front of you down onto your canvas or paper, so all an artist or art enthusiast needs to do is draw over the reflected image to get correct perspective, foreshortening, proportion, position, overlap, shape. Leaving you more time to develop your art the way you want it without being frustrated by the technical elements. The LUCY retains the magic of this somewhat secretive drawing and painting technique, while improving on the original with a brighter, much larger and more stable image, including variable brightness control, and a far lower price. Find out more at
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