Patterns for Large Scale Applications - VueConf US 2023
Vue can be used for large and small projects alike. Large scale projects though, need to be approached with a bit more thought and design. Why not be inspired by tried and true design patterns from the community at large. During the talk, Daniel Kelly discusses practical design patterns for making your large scale projects more predictable including: - Adopting community standards - Component conventions - Routing conventions - Using sdks - Wrapping third-party libs - and more!
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0:00 Intro
1:13 Predictability: Standards are Key
6:19 Take full advantage of your IDE
10:35 File Structure
12:10 Route Naming Convention
13:28 Wrap 3rd Party Code
15:33 Interact with Backends with an SDK
17:20 Prefer the Composition API
7 days ago 00:04:14 3
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