0:00 - 0:12 Miraak Cultist
0:13 - 0:21 Boat to Solstheim
0:22 - 0:26 Raven rock town
0:27 - 0:31 Redoran guard
0:32 - 0:35 Ash spawn
0:36 - 0:43 LSD Neloth
0:44 - 0:54 Skaal village
0:55 - 1:03 Frea
1:04 - 1:20 Storn
1:21 - 1:32 Riekling tribe
1:33 - 1:40 Lurker
1:41 - 1:55 Werebear
1:56 - 2:06 Dovahkiin and black book
2:07 - 2:18 Seeker of Herma Mora
2:19 - 2:36 Miraak
2:37 Space Netchs taking over the world
Ending horror music =
“HORROR THEME“ composed and produced by “Vivek Abhishek“
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