Oil Painting Tips || Patreon Highlights

In this video I share some highlights from my Patreon painting tutorials. REAL-TIME PAINTING VIDEOS, TUTORIALS and other helpful materials ▶ In my recent walk-through painting tutorial on Patreon I talk about: Part 1: Surface preparation, concept sketching, taking a reference photo, color mixing, transferring the outlines. Part 2: Painting a portrait, oil painting tips, common mistakes. Part 3: Analyzing, adjusting things, glazing and basically doing all the finishing touches. ▷ For prints and original paintings please visit CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Materials used: • Oil paints - “Nevskaya palitra“ Colors: Burnt Umber, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Red and Titanium White. For glazing I used Cadmium Red,
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