Where is my libido? | Lost my Lust | VPRO Documentary

Filmmaker Lize Korpershoek (34) dives into a problem that a lot of people share: Why does lust for lovemaking subside within her long relationships? This was by far Hollands most discussed in the media documentary of 2019. Boomers and millennials clashed but also came together discussing the undiscussed. In this vulnerable and personal documentary Korpershoek investigates what her relationship to sexuality is and how it came to be. Not feeling like intercourse is of course only the surface of the problem, but what lies in its roots? And is it possible to have a good love life if you’ve never learned to put your needs first? This documentary opened a nationwide discussion on what place and perspective on female sexuality there is within society. Boomers and Millennials perceptions on the matter clashed all over the Dutch media.
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