10 Animals With The Most Painful Bites & Stings!

From the dreaded bullet ant to the horrifying tarantula hawk wasp, plus a surprising fish with a bite that kills! Here are ten creatures with the most painful bites and stings. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10: The Black Sea Urchin Out of all the creatures with the most painful bites and stings, the black sea urchin is probably the most obvious. Out of all the animals we’ll talk about today, the black sea urchin is the most noticeable thing you should never touch. 9: Tarantula Hawk Wasp Getting stung by a wasp absolutely stinks. It’s probably one of the worst experiences you can have while hanging out in your garden just minding your own business. But there is one wasp that has the most painful sting of all. 8: Red Harvester Ant If you’ve ever been bitten by a common fire ant, you know that these tiny critters can do some serious damage. However, on the infamous pain scale, fire ants are only rated a 1, while red harvester ants are rated as a 3. 7: Amazon Giant Centipede The Amazon gi
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