The Myth of Evil and Why Polarities, Not Villains, Drive Injustice

Watch the full presentation and Q&A here: As our society grapples with deep divisions and increasingly complex problems, we often find ourselves stuck in an “either/or“ mindset — choosing sides, assigning blame, and projecting “evil“ onto each other in order to make sense of systemic dysfunctions like poverty, racism, and climate change. But what if the true cause of these issues isn’t some evil or malevolent force whispering to us from the shadows, but rather the kinds of partial thinking that are going into these decisions? What if, by shifting from an “either/or“ mindset to a “both/and“ mindset, we can better understand the complexity of these issues and work toward more inclusive, balanced, and sustainable solutions? In this thought-provoking presentation, we dive deep into the revolutionary framework of polarity thinking with Barry Johnson, the creato
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