
油菜在结菜籽之前,是好看的油菜花,每年三四月,云南随处可见成片的油菜花海,到了五月,菜籽成熟,可以榨成金黄浓郁的食用油,用来油炸或炒菜,香味浓烈,为食物增色添彩。这次用菜籽油做了几道家人们爱吃的料理,家人围坐,寻常味道,却是幸福开心的一餐,希望你们在生活中,也能找到让自己开心和幸福的事情~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Before producing rapeseeds, rape is a beautiful flower. Every March and April, large areas of rape flower fields can be seen everywhere in Yunnan. In May, when rapeseeds get ripe, golden edible oil with rich aroma can be extracted from them. People use rapeseed oil to fry meat or vegetables. Its rich aroma adds flavor to food. This time, with rapeseed oil, I cooked a few dishes my family members like. We sit around to have ordinary food together, but this is a happy meal. I hope you can find happy things in your lives too. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果你喜欢我的视频,请持续关注我的频道, 我会在不同的平台分享我的生活,以及云南特色美食,祝你们天天开心,每天都有美食相伴~ YouTube【滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge】▶️ Facebook【滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge】 ▶️ Instagram【dianxixiaoge_apenjie】▶️ #滇西小哥 #DianxiXiaoge #ĐiềnTâyTiểuCa #菜籽油
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