Alan Rickman - Michael Collins - Visions of Éamon de Valera ...

how to start ... first: Be prepared -- like the original, this short cut is not easy to handle ... This very dramatic film characterized several features ... firstly it is not a film for the masses -- it may go too deep psychological and historical - the dominant colors are gray, blue, green and a sort of sepia ... a dull, sad, melancholy prevails ... Alan, thanks to his incredible charisma, is chosen absolutely perfect for the part of Eamon de Valera! Julia Roberts as the lover of Michael Collins on the other side is chosen mercilessly bad - because her american flatness is missing the Irish depth completely. But Liam Neeson is a revelation! So far I’ve only known him from films in which he more or less silly, and not rarely even looked ridiculous ... This film will change my mind completely concerning his representational ability - honest, moving, enthusiastic and thrilling - a masterpiece of presentation. It’s worth seeing the movie already just because of Liam `s acting. All in all, something very special, unusual, and something in which you`d better not leave your brain in the dressing room or at the popcorn stand! Predicate: Highly recommended!
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