Austere - Beneath the Threshold [Official Album Player]

► 01] Thrall 00:00 02] The Sunset of Life 07:36 03] Faded Ghost 17:16 04] Cold Cerecloth 22:09 05] Words Unspoken 28:55 06] Of Severance 32:11 “Beneath the Threshold“ represents AUSTERE in the here and now. With their fourth full-length the Australians have taken a long step into the present and embrace their musical future in a way that might have been expected after a 13-year hiatus. When their voluntary break ended with the release of “Corrosion of Hearts“ in 2023, the duo consisting of Mitchell Keepin and Tim Yatras returned with a more mature and defined version of their own particular style of black metal, which reflected both their greater experience and evolution as artists. While “Corrosion of Hearts“ formed the bridge between the band’s musical history and the artists’ fresh vision, “Beneath the Threshold“ takes a leap of expression. AUSTERE’s sonic heritage is still alive.
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