Japan - Tokyo Real-Time Earthquake Early Warning and Tsunami Warning (English)

Please read the description carefully : JQuake software is available ! The displayed version is the developer version, for testing purposes. It is not publicly available yet. This live stream provides Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) as well as Tsunami Warning for the whole country of Japan with real-time seismic intensity map. In case of event, sound is played so turn it up ;) Expected intensity and S-wave arrival time are given for Tokyo and are shown only in case of EEW at the bottom-right of the software window. Please note that stream lag has to be taken in account and varies between 3 and 9 sec, mostly 5 sec. Expected intensity map for the country is also provided ONLY in case of EEW with KNOWN expected intensity (colored dots without numbers). In addition, intensity and ground acceleration early detections are provided with auto-zoom and are subdivided in 3 categories (Green = Imperceptible/lightly felt shaking, Yellow = Felt shaking, Red =
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