241 days of progress road to sakuga

a lot of people has been asking me how I learned and I tell you I am not even that good yet even now, but I ll explain either way how did I learn: *Initial Approach:* - When I started, I didn’t have a specific plan. However, as I progressed and met other animators, I made it a point to learn from the best. Whenever I encountered a skilled animator, I would take their advice and apply it to my daily drawing routine. *Key Focus Areas:* - *Two Main Skills:* My focus has been on developing two main skills: 1. *Drawing:* Achieving a high level of draftsmanship is essential if you want to be among the best. 2. *Animation (Timing and Spacing):* A strong sense of timing and spacing is crucial for creating fluid and engaging animations. You can create good animations without being a master at drawing, but mastering both will elevate your work significantly. *Key Recommendations:* - *Patience and Consistency:* If you’re patient and consistent, you will eventually improve. It’s al
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