French Monorail Checked By Mayor Of San Francisco (1960)

Unissued / Unused material. Mayor of San Francisco George Christofer inspects French monorail. Chateauneuf-Sur-Loire. France. MS of the monorail. MS diesel train drawing alongside. MS as the Mayor of San Francisco George Christofer alights from train and looks at monorail. Elevated shot as crowd of people are looking up at monorail. MS Christofer, Pierre Devraigne, President of Paris Municipal Council, and others. MS group of four men including Christofer and Devraigne. CU’s of the two men. MS of the rails. Various shots people getting on monorail to inspect it. Various shots of Christofer and Devraigne inside the monorail. MS Stars and Stripes flying from one of its rails. CU front of the monorail. MS as it starts to move off past camera. Travel shots from the monorail, also cut-ins of interior of the monorail. CU driver, pan down to control panel. Travel shot with monorail as it moves along, showing its castors attached to rails. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONL
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