Stray cats have turned the world’s cleanest coast into the dirtiest dump.

I have to feed hundreds of stray cats on the beach at 6 am every day because the people who complain about me are sleeping in their beds at this time. People are complaining about me saying that feeding cats is a visual pollution on the beach and unhygienic. The municipality approves this complaint and does not allow me to build cat houses in green areas. This is why I build cat houses on rocks. Because the rocks do not belong to the municipality. In this video we will feed the cats and walk along the coast. You will be astounded when you see the nature polluted by cats during the night. 00:00 The hungriest kittens I’ve ever met in my life. 01:35 The broken glass that people leave in nature is a great danger for kittens. 02:14 Cute game fight of 2 kittens. 02:56 Why are cats hungry in the morning on the beach with thousands of people at night? 06:06 Stray cats have turned the world’s cleanest coast into the dirtiest dump. Greetings from Adorable Paws. There are many stray cat
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