Doing Cayo Perico Glitch In 2023 Cause Shark Cards Is Bad | Solo, With Friends, And Viewers!

#gta5 #gtaonline #cayoperico Replay Glitch Rule: -we can’t take more than 4 million under 30 minutes, the 30 minutes rule start when we get our first heist money (after disconecting from the game) -disconect/close the game rightaway after the cutscene stop moving, at 4:54 | for console you can watch this at 5:07 -there’s a high chance that we won’t get the money if we didnt get the elite challenge Friends In Video: -Reddeadted15: -D3NIS_BOOM: -RenNuu: -Sam200105#9900: -Virus_Not_Found: Nerd_Monkey76#8135 -NoobaLien577: NoobaLien#7051 -Spagarul12: smbtouchmyspag#3260 -ShadowedDusk_: MXKX....#4809 time stamp: 0:00 - Speedrun Approach South Gate, solo, door glitch, elite, 5:20 - Fl
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