
00:00:00 - 01 Javascript Write Concise Arrow Functions Using Implicit Returns and This 00:02:21 - 02 Understand How This Works in Regular Functions and Arrow Functions 00:04:18 - 03 Use Let and Const for Block Scoped Variables 00:08:17 - 04 Understand the Difference Between Statements and Expressions 00:10:52 - 05 Use Es6 Template Strings to Interpolate Values 00:12:29 - 06 Use the Rest and Spread Operators on Arrays and Objects 00:15:23 - 07 Use Destructuring to Pick Apart Arrays and Objects 00:20:19 - 08 Understand Mutable Vs Immutable Operations in Javascript 00:25:39 - 09 Find Elements in Javascript Arrays With Find and Findindex 00:27:09 - 10 Remove Array Items With Slice and Splice 00:30:38 - 11 Add Items to an Array With Concat and the Spread Operator 00:31:54 - 12 Modify Elements in an Array With Map 00:33:59 - 13 Remove Elements From an Array With Filter 00:35:25 - 14 Use the Reduce Function on Arrays 00:42:10 - 15 Use Import and Export on Js Files and Modules 00:47:26 - 16 Understand How Babel Transforms Modern Js Into Older Js
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