(SFM) The Sacrifice - Dota 2 Short Film Contest - winning entry

We’ve made it to the finals! Thanks for supporting us guys. It was a huge collective effort of the team and a tough challenge for all us, we had al lot of doubt and concerns that it wouldn’t work out as 1 minute drama and wouldn’t turn as a good film either but after all the struggle and changes we made, it all paid off. ➡ THE TEAM • Keller Max - Director • Alex Portman - Producer • Kevin Sargent - Original Soundtrack • Brad James - Sound Designer • Deremix Productions - Animation • ItalianNinja98 - Animation • Grigory Revzin - Animation • GLS Machinima - Motion Capture ➡ MUSIC COMPOSED by Kevin Sargent: ➡ Contact email: deviantpicturesfilms@ created with SOURCE FILMMAKER
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