When did EU leaders lose their humanity? The EU’s response to the suffering of Gaza is shameful

At what precise moment did EU leaders lose their humanity? Was it when Israel cut off supplies of water, food, medicine and fuel to 2.3 million people in Gaza, and no one shouted “Stop“? Was it when more than 5,000 children were slaughtered, and no one shouted “Stop“? Was it when the fuel ran out and incubators keeping premature babies alive were turned off and no one shouted “Stop“? Was it on Friday, when the death toll reached more than 11,000 and no one shouted “Stop“? Was it at the weekend, when they had to stop counting the bodies and still no one shouted “Stop“? We are calling on Government to; - Remove the diplomatic status of the Israeli ambassador. - Suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement due to gross breaches of its human rights clause - Enact the Occupied Territories Bill and the Illegal Israeli Settlements (Divestment) Bill - Refer Israel to the International Criminal Court for the investigation of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.
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