Dr Peter Beter: Robotoids Excerpt From Audio Letter 48 Topic 2
Dr Peter Beter: Russian Robotoids of Replacements of Key American Officials
“Two months ago I revealed that a revolutionary new Intelligence weapon was being introduced by Russia. I refer to their “Organic Robotoids.“ These are man-made robot-like living creatures, perhaps best described as computerized animals. They’re designed to simulate human beings almost perfectly in appearance and behavior, and yet they are not human. Robotoids are so far removed from the knowledge and experience of most people that they are very difficult for many people to believe, but now more and more major surprises are filling the news--that is, they are surprises if you do not know about Russia’s robotoids. For example, consider the Middle East and the alleged gasoline shortage. Nearly four years ago on October 12, 1975, 1 wrote an article on the Op-Ed page of the Washington Star. It was titled: “WHO’S TO BLAME FOR INFLATION? It’s Time to be Fair to OPEC.“ The comments I made then are still true today. For example, we hear constantly about the increasing price of oil, but, quote: “You must remember that products from the oil-consuming countries to the oil-producing countries are costing more each day“ and, quote: “...thus oil price rises appear to be limited, while the products of the industrialized countries are unlimited, open-ended. Is this fair?“ When I wrote those words in 1975 I was out of step with the crowd. For the next 3-1/2 years we were told increasingly that OPEC, especially Saudi Arabia, was our economic enemy, but suddenly in the past two months everything has changed. The “Hate Saudi Arabia“ chant in the major media has abruptly stopped, at least for the moment. Instead, stories are appearing about renewed trust between the United States and Saudi Arabia; and as if by magic, the contrived gasoline lines are disappearing with promises of more gas on the way. It’s all the result of the Russian robotoid shuttles to the Middle East, my friends, which I reported in AUDIO LETTER No. 46. Russia stopped the War Plan and robbed the big oil companies of their excuse for shortages.
Now, consider the SALT II treaty. There’s a relationship, my
friends, between SALT II and, of all things, the SKYLAB debacle. There is nothing at all in the major media news about this relationship; but as my older listeners know, SALT II and SKYLAB are just tips of the same iceberg, and it’s an iceberg that is already sinking our “Ship of State.“ Earlier I reviewed how the real story of SKYLAB’s fate began on September 27, 1977. That was the day America lost the secret “Space Battle of the Harvest Moon“ to Russia. Three weeks later a Russian Cosmos Interceptor blasted SKYLAB out of existence. The real story of the present SALT II treaty also began on September 27, 1977. That day Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko delivered a speech at the United Nations. By the time Gromyko spoke, it was already clear that Russia was winning the Space Battle so he spoke very harshly about American stalling on SALT II. He delivered what amounted to a veiled ultimatum, then he left for Washington for a highly unusual nighttime meeting at the White House with the real Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Breathless reporter told the nation there had been a breakthrough in SALT II; but when I recorded AUDIO LETTER No. 26 three days later, I revealed what had really happened. The stories about a SALT breakthrough were lies, cover-stories to allay public concern. That’s what my listeners heard in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, and for the following year and a half SALT II went nowhere; but early this year drastic changes in America’s rulership began taking place. For the past six months the AUDIO LETTER has been focusing on these changes as they have taken place; and they have led, among other things, to a turn-around on SALT II.
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