The Health Effects of Sipping Lean (Purple Drank)

Lean also known as Purple drank is a very popular recreational drug that is constantly mentioned in the hip hop scene. This video explores what the two drugs that make up lean- codeine and promethazine- do to your body. A great book to read on addiction and overcoming it by Russell Brand. It offers real insight into addiction and the stuff that drives it and tackling the classic twelve steps in a non-reverential and totally entertaining kind of way that will help a lot of people: Used to make this video: Apple macbook pro: Microphone used: Whiteboard Biology covers the biology of different topics whilst incorporating the latest research and scientific articles. Not everyone has time, access or background information to understand the latest scientific articles and so this channels’ goal is to do all the hard work and put that information into a short and ’to the point’ video. If you enjoy this video
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