600 Neon Tetras— CRAZY Schooling Behavior!!!

This 180 gallon aquarium is home to 600 Neon Tetras. Watch how they school! Visit my new website: Support me on Patreon: Follow Tank Tested: A FEW PRODUCTS UNDER $20 I RECOMMEND: Surface Skimmer: Botanicals like Almond Leaves: Shrimp Net: Quiet Air Pump: Aquascaping Tools: Digital Thermometer: Seachem Prime: Circulation Pump (Under $20): Circulation Pump (Slightly over $20): Hydrogen Peroxide: Buy locally from grocery or pharmacy Breeder Box: Amazonas Magazine: This 180 gallon aquascape was set up by The Fish Gallery for Aquashella in Dallas. This was just one of the many incredible display tanks on the floor of Aquashella but it cau
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