United Nations is a reflection of the One World Family of Nations that closely resembles the theme of your special day“, UNIC Director Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman told an assembly of several thousand participants at the Brahma Kumaris’ Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. She reminded them of the stupendous effort that this organization had made in support of the UN’s Culture of Peace campaign, when millions of Indians had come together in one sacred bond of love and fraternity promoted by the Brahma Kumaris, to accept the universal concept of culture of peace. The Brahma Kumaris, an international NGO affiliated to UN-ECOSOC, were congratulated at this event by eminent personalities such as L.K. Advani, Chairman of the BJP Parliamentary Party, and Leader of India’s main Opposition Party, and Pawan Kumar Bansal, Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Water Resources. There were some interesting cultural performances by a Russian Troupe and many artists, performers and other gu