Animation: How a Carl Gustaf M/45 Submachine Gun works

The Kulsprutepistol m/45, better known as the Carl Gustaf M/45, was a Swedish submachine gun (SMG) chambered in 9mm (9×19mm), designed by Gunnar Johnsson. The sheet metal stamping techniques used in making the German MP 40 and the British Sten had major influences on the design of the M/45. It was manufactured at the Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori in Eskilstuna, Sweden, and was the standard submachine gun of the Swedish Army from 1945 to 1965. Approximately 300,000 units were produced. Check out our Posters & T-Shirts at If you like this video, please think about supporting us on Patreon: If you want to buy me a coffee, I appreciate it, thanks! Music: and Kevin MacLeod () 3D Animation done using:
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