British Cultural & Social Etiquette

1. Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is considered good manners; it is considered rude if you don’t use them. 2. Being punctual is important. The British consider it rude and impolite if you turn up late for an appointment. Call even if you will be 5 minutes later than agreed. 3. Queueing is a unique part of the British culture. Violating a queue is considered extremely impolite, so never push ahead in a line. 4. Hugging, kissing and touching are usually reserved for family members and very close friends. 5. Having an argument in public is considered bad manners. 6. Talking about money is considered bad manners. 7. Tipping is not expected in the UK, but is much appreciated. You can tip if you are happy with the service. 8. Standing too close to someone is rude. The British like a certain amount of personal space. 9. Asking personal questions about salary, relationship status, weight or age is frowned upon.
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