In this six-episode thriller series, The Pact, when young brewery boss Jack (Aneurin Bernard, Dunkirk, War & Peace) is found dead, a chain of events is triggered that draws his four employees Anna (Laura Fraser, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad), Nancy (Julie Hesmondhalgh, Broadchurch, Happy Valley), Louie (Eiry Thomas, Keeping Faith, The Accident) and Cat (Heledd Gwynn; Ordinary Lies, 35 Diwrnod) into a fragile pact of silence, bound by a secret that will change their lives forever.
Meanwhile, Anna’s police officer husband Max (Jason Hughes, Marcella, Midsomer Murders) investigates Jack’s unforeseen death alongside his fierce superior DS Holland (Rakie Ayola, Noughts Crosses, Shetland), completely unaware that his own wife and her best friends are at the heart of a conspiracy.
The Pact also stars Abbie Hern (The Twilight Zone, Enola Holmes 2), Eddie Marsan (Ray Donovan, Deadpool 2), Mark Lewis-Jones (Gangs of London, The Crown), Adrian Edmondson (EastEnders, Save Me), Gabriel
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