The Seekers Greatest Hits Collection- The Best Of The Seekers - 70年代80年代90年代最美好回憶經典的英文金曲
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00:00 I’ll Never Find Another You
02:53 The Carnival Is Over
06:07 Georgy Girl
08:38 Morningtown Ride
11:25 Emerald City
14:10 We Shall Not Be Moved
16:44 A World Of Our Own
19:34 Someday One Day
22:15 Love Is Kind, Love Is Wine
24:46 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)
27:07 When Will the Good Apples Fall
29:39 Island Of Dreams
32:14 Blowin’ in the Wind
34:51 The Last Thing on My Mind
38:11 Walk With Me
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#JudithDurham, #I’llNeverFindAnotherYou, #AWorldOfOurOwn, #MorningtownRide, #TheCarnivalIsOver,#GeorgyGirl, #EmeraldCity, #WeShallNotBeMoved, #SomedayOneDay, #LoveIsKindLoveIsWine, #59thStreetBridgeSong, #WhenWilltheGoodApplesFall, #IslandOfDreams,#BlowingintheWind, #TheLastThingonMyMind,#WalkWithMe ,#60s, #70s , #softrock, #classicrock, #rockbands, #sentimentialsongs, #relaxingmusic, #relaxingsongs, #unforgettablesongs, #everlastinglovesongs, #everlastinggreatesthits, #oldiesbutgoodies, #oldiessongs,
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