♫ All That She Wants - SN Studio Eurodance Remix ♫ Shuffle Dance Video
Shuffle Dance Video ♫ All That She Wants - SN Studio Eurodance Remix ♫
Original by Ace of Base
Vanesa Seco
Tori Nishino
Sterling Torres
Lauren Corazza
Emylee Ratzlaff
Alexandra Watkins
Miranda Derrick
Kendra “K.O” Willis
Amy Conte
and others.
To dance music fans, shuffling is more than just having a good time. As with most things EDM-related, it is a form of self expression, an accomplishment, and as some put it “a way to improve their mental and physical health”.
A dance style originating in the 1980’s characterized by fast heel and toe twisting and stepping, running man variations, stomping with the beat, foot swiveling from side to side, and having feet that appear to be gliding on and off the ground.
Shuffling is mostly for the feet and the arms just compliment whatever foot motions are taking place. This dance style is very high paced, intense cardio, and is usually to done to music with a constant beat such as electr
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