~【はる】ハロ/ハワユ Hello How are you 踊ってみた 8iWLd6bpUnw

156 просмотров 28 июл. 2023 г. #kano #踊ってみた #hellohowareyou Yes it’s the third time I dance to this song TT But it’s one of my first odottemita choreos so it is close to my heart (*♡∀♡) I wanted to film a fairy magical kawaii video for this choreo XD and I’m pretty satisfied with the outcome (even if I kept losing balance everytime I had to stand on one leg .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・. so I’m sorry about this TT orz). Hope you like it (=^ ◡ ^=) and see y’all next time (^-^*)/ (k-pop time!) #踊ってみた #kano #hellohowareyou ~Subscribe for more covers~ Please like and share the video to let me know you enjoyed it 。・:*:・゚’☆ And leave a comment if you have any song request! 🌸 Instagram: @haru_97line 🍙 Dancer: Haru 🍙 Editing: Haru 🍙 Cameraman: 妹
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