FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY - Black Mammoth - Bloodstock 2023

Plunge into the electrifying depths of Fit For An Autopsy’s performance at the renowned Bloodstock Open Air Metal Festival, captured on the memorable day of August 11th, 2023. Witness the sheer intensity of “Black Mammoth,“ a track that not only highlights their recent musical evolution but also stands as a testament to their prowess. Renowned for its intricate compositions and raw, unbridled energy, this song encapsulates the essence of what propels the band to the zenith of the deathcore scene. The spectacle doesn’t conclude with “Black Mammoth.“ Our channel is on the brink of releasing a slew of additional tracks and the entirety of this monumental concert, offering both the devoted followers and those new to the scene a chance to immerse themselves in the night’s passion. Throughout, Fit For An Autopsy’s stint at Bloodstock 2023 was nothing short of a demonstration of musical extremity, blending the brutality of death metal, the relentless drive of hardcore, and
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