Glancing Blow CME - Multiple Significant Eruptions and CMEs - Nov. 23. 2023.

Glancing Bloa CME: A dark filament of magnetism erupted from the sun yesterday (Nov. 22 @ 06:00 UT), carving a deep ’canyon of fire’ in the sun’s atmosphere. Updated forecast models suggest that a CME flung into space by the filament could graze Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 25th. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives. Three significant eruptions were observed beyond the northeast limb today (Nov. 23). Due to the locaion of the eruptive sunspots, the associated coronal mass ejections will be directed away from Earth. Thanks for waching! #solarstorm #glancingblow #spaceweather Images credit: GOES-16 SUVI, SOHO/LASCO, AIA/SDO, Music credit: YouTube Audio Library Blue Mood - Robert Munzinger
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