【こぎー】グッバイ宣言【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38411459

This is the first video in 2021! But it’s been 3 months already! Time goes by too fast ... (sweat) I look forward to working with you in 2021 m (_ _) m ・ I suddenly wanted to dance this song, so I transferred it the day before the shoot! Men who are sick and make up personally are stabbed very well, the best (´ ཀ `” ∠) This time, I tried to bring the costumes sickly, so please pay attention to them! ♡ ・ If you are interested, or if you think it’s okay, please leave a comment and Myris! また動画はTwitter、Youtube、Instagramにも投稿していますのでぜひそちらもチェックしてください♡ 楽曲本家様▷▷▷ sm36668789 振付本家様▷▷▷ sm38387222 踊ってる人▷▷▷こぎー(@Rikongo_dance) 動画編集▷▷▷みらー様([club108363789|@mirror2016]) こぎー 03/13/2021 14:00 Views 1,342
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