《时光音乐会·老友记 》Time Concert·Friends 黄大炜David Huang《你把我灌醉》 经典歌曲感动全场Classic songs moved the audience

黄大炜用真挚的情感和对音乐始终如一的热爱将《你把我灌醉》这首歌注入灵魂,让人感动落泪,仿佛置身其中,感受到了那种难言的悲伤。 David Huang used his sincere emotions and consistent love for music to inject the song “You Got Me Drunk“ into the soul, which moved people to tears, as if they were in it and felt the unspeakable sadness. #湖南卫视 #时光音乐会老友记 #黄大炜 #David Huang
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