Out on Spotify soon!
Lyrics (Old Danish/Danish):
Højt det gjalder fra Fjeld og Skov,
En ofring skal hænde på klippehøj
Bølger forlader et drageskib,
Jeg ser dem forlade kyst og sten.
Edderkoppen spinder sit spind.
Jeg ved Nornerne slår deres væv,
Men dybe stemmer, spår ikke om fald.
Og Tappres Minde holder altid stand.
English Lyric translation:
Loud it is from the mountain and forest,
A sacrifice must take place on the cliff
Waves leave a dragon ship,
I see them leave the shore and rocks.
The spider spins its web.
I know the Norns weave their looms,
But deep voices do not predict a fall.
...d the memories of the courageous always stands.
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